The Dalai Lama climbed the ladder and entered the dome of [the] Great Hum [and said to him,] 的 accuse myself of being a fakir who tricks people into seeing God with faces that are nothing but grotesque masks. I知 afraid that my father might get drunk one night and give away the trick. Then all the people of Tibet will know that I知 not God, and the country will fall into despair. I try to let them know that I知 only a boy from the country with a certain amount of religious education and a lucky streak・ut they insist on treating my act as a reality. The more I try to act like I知 not holy, the holier everybody thinks I am.・br>
典he magicians and the storytellers,・answered the Great Hum, 登pen us up to wonder with their tricks. We are lured into the eternal reality by well-timed illusion, for illusions appear as enticing emanations from around that oval into which all faces vanish when ego surrenders to the mystifying Self・You accuse yourself of being two-faced. Look at me.・br>
The Great Hum was transforming himself into an old woman, a beautiful girl, a fierce warrior, a child・et the voice remained the same as it went on to say, 徹nce you池e free from bondage to your face, you値l be able to take on as many faces as you like・he more faces you assume, the more your expression will remain the same. Eventually, when you try to resemble me, as you are doing now, you will find that I have come to resemble you instead. But you have much to learn before then. You are faced with contradictory feelings about your role and will remain so until you can assume any masks the world places upon you and wear it with ease. Only then will your own divine countenance shine through・

While one of the Dalai Lama痴 voices was talking to the Great Hum about faces, the other was talking about voices. 溺y top voice,・said the boy king, 妬s very cultured and polite. It serves to hide the sensitivities that I need to protect. This voice keeps the silence secret, screens my meditating self from the petty and persistent interruptions of curiosity seekers. My lower voice has to do with the powerful bottom desires and the private urges to become a bodhisattva.・br>
轍uite right,・said the Great Hum. 迭eligious ceremonials should be surrounded by clowns. The mask must do parodies of the face beneath it, lest the sacred be profaned and the immortal confound itself with mortality・Have you heard any good stories lately?・br>
The Dalai Lama was embarrassed. He could not think of a single funny story to tell the Great Hum. 展isest of us All,・he murmured, 吐orgive me, for I can think of nothing that would make you laugh.・br>
的知 laughing already,・said the Great Hum, 都o relax. I致e been laughing ever since you came in. So much of what you talk about is pure clowning. I know that one of your voices is down in the chapel talking to God, but the louder one is up here on the roof playing games with virtuoso religious ideas and amusing itself with psychological analyses of its ambiguous self. I know that your voice of voices・ares nothing for how many faces or voices it has but only for the continuing beauty of the cosmos. Unless you perfect your style, few people will hear this voice. Try on all the masks you like, speak in as many voices as you can. Somebody you値l be able to carry on ten conversations at once just as I do. Then you can come up here all alone, and we can talk face to face, voice to voice, one to one, a single presence with nothing to hide.・br>
-- Pierre Delattre, Tales of a Dalai Lama