To my deafness I’m accustomed,  
To my dentures I’m resigned,  
I can manage my bifocals,  
But Oh how I miss my mind.

Alec Douglas Home

As the fiftieth birthday approaches, you get the sense that your life is thinning out, and will continue to thin out, until it thins out into nothing. And you sometimes say to yourself: That went a bit quick. That went a bit quick. In certain moods, you may want to put it rather more forcefully. As in: OY!! THAT went a BIT FUCKING QUICK!!!... Then fifty comes and goes, and fifty-one, and fifty-two. And life thickens out again. Because there is now an enormous and unsuspected presence within your being, like an undiscovered continent. This is the past.

-- Martin Amis, The Pregnant Widow

Extreme old age is as lonely as God. It has no one to talk to.

-- Violet Trefusis, Don’t Look Round