Sincerity and the ability to live in the moment are great excuses for a fast rollover in relationships, more self-complimentary than acknowledging a seriously impaired attention span.

A woman I know told me of walking along a dirt road with a man who said, “Don’t resist me.” And she was instantly won. Who could imagine such a phrase until it’s heard.

And then it’s later. And you find yourself dancing with someone who’s scanning the room over your shoulder, whose face is signaling angst and lack-love, the same face that caught you in.

The face you thought you had solved.

And, if you’re really unlucky, you’re on the spot when those eyes you have formed the habit of adoring latch onto the next candidate who looks back, amazed (just as you were), to see love arriving at last in the person of this toxic darling.

You see the couple registering their mutual recognition.

But what about me! you think. That was me, just yesterday. What happened?

Well, honey, you had your turn. Your sweet romance just hits its expiration date.

Throw it out like yogurt gone bad. 

-- Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Absolutely Eden