Discipline yourself so that you attend to your deepest desires and allow them to govern your more superficial ones.

Allow your desire to draw you into the deepest giving of love possible. When you yearn for your lover, don’t resist the desire, but also don’t attach it to something less than your deepest feeling-truth. No carnal embrace in itself equals eternal love. No anatomical perfection satisfies the emptiness of gifts ungiven. No genital friction adds up to the fire of the heart unbound.

Allow desire to be a doorway through which to give your gifts, rather than a needful urge through which to acquire something. Convert the course of sexual want from contentment to boundlessness. Give from your heart so fully you die into the light of love, risen up together with your partner by the flame of sexual combustion, all edges vaporized.

Receive the moment of desire as an urgent invitation to remember and actively animate your deepest longings and heart-gifts with your whole body. What you really want is also what you really want to give. Love. Without end. Deep down, you know it. Sex can be the present exposure of this eternal shine of knowing. Desire is a shard of this light. Go through the desire, through love’s invitation, and emerge reawakened in the same brightness, now recognized, as you began.

-- David Deida, Finding God Through Sex