Second-month resident Charlotte Treat has violently red hair. As in hair the color of like a red crayon. She doesn't have to work the usual outside menial job, because she has some strain of the Virus of maybe A.R.C. Former prostitute, reformed. Why do prostitutes when they get straight always try and get so prim? It's like long-repressed librarian ambitions come flooding out. Charlotte T. has a cut-rate whore's hard, half-pretty face, her eyes lassoed with shadow around all four lids. her also with a case of the dermal-layer sooty complexion. The thing about Treat is how her cheeks are deeply pitted in deep trenches that she packs with foundation and tries to cover over with blush, which along with the hair gives her the look of a mean clown. The ghastly wounds in her cheeks look for all the world like somebody got at her with a woodburning kit at some point in her career path. 

-- David Foster Wallace, "An Interval"