A powerful person is one who draws energy into the group. The ability to channel power depends on personal integrity, courage, and wholeness.



His sense of politics was physical, in that he knew you had to throw yourself out there among the people again and again, to be directly heard and seen and touched and sort of handled and pushed around by them. Because the malaise in the country is people feeling isolated and alone in a disappearance of any large, embracing sense of community, feeling decisions about their lives are being made by faceless strangers and processes beyond their control. So there's a huge hunger to connect to an actual physical presence -- a tribal
leader, rea1ly, with that kind of personal relationship between him and the people -- who can give them a sense of meaning and value as a community again. They need to feel that he has almost recklessly, with a willingness to take extraordinary risks, given himself over completely to that, and to what he believes in, which answers what they believe in. It's something almost primitive, mystic. 

-- John Tunney on Robert Kennedy