Some 300,000 Americans a year die from illnesses caused or worsened by obesity, a toll that may soon overtake tobacco as the chief cause of preventable deaths, Dr. David Satcher, the surgeon general, said today.

Dr. Satcher called for major steps by schools, communities and industry to fight obesity. "We’re not talking about quick-fix diets," Dr. Satcher said. "We’re talking about lifestyles."

About 60 percent of adults are overweight or obese, as are nearly 13 percent of children. According to the surgeon general’s height and weight index, a 5-foot-6 adult is overweight at 160 pounds and obese at 190. The toll of obesity has been rising and threatens to wipe out progress fighting cancer, heart disease and other ailments, Dr. Satcher warned.

The reason is not a mystery. People eat more calories -- often by shunning fruits and vegetables in favor of super-size junk foods -- than they work off. Losing even 10 pounds can reduce the risk of getting diabetes or heart disease, Dr. Satcher said, as can simply walking 30 minutes a day. "Every pound counts," he said.

Dr. Satcher’s other recommendations included these:
* Schools must provide daily physical education for every grade.
* Schools must provide more healthful food options and better enforce federal rules restricting students’ access to junk food in vending machines.
* Communities must create safe playgrounds, sidewalks or walking trails, particularly in cities. Employers should provide time for workers to get physical activity on the job.
* Industry should promote more healthful food choices, including "reasonable portion sizes."

The poor have a tendency to be fattest, and Dr. Satcher noted that in inner cities, fast-food restaurants often crowd out sources of more healthful foods. He urged communities to study fast-food marketing practices. And he encouraged government projects to increase access to fruits and vegetables.

The National Restaurant Association rejected as simplistic the idea that fast-food restaurants cause obesity, and the National Soft Drink Association urged more focus on the exercise recommendations. Consumer advocates praised the report.

-- New York Times

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